Where do I start? I have been married for 30+ years and raised 6 exceptional kids. Of those exceptional 6, three are married. Out of those unions I have been blessed with 7 grandkids. All of which are out of their little tiny minds. My other 3 offspring are still at home, all in various stages of mooching off me and getting their Masters Degrees. We're a close, large, extremely unique family. And we all reside within 30 minutes of each other, which enables many gatherings consisting of wine, beer, music, food, and grandchildren running wild destroying my house. These gatherings always end with no one wanting to leave, which I believe speaks volumes about the kind of family we have.
As for me, well I'll quote the Late, Great John Hartford ~ "Well, I like black coffee, fried eggs and a well done T-Bone steak, I like a red dress, pearly white teeth and the flash of a pretty brown leg". Who can blame me?